The Center for Stingray Biology is a subsidiary of the Institute for Herpetological Research, a non-profit research organization founded in 1973 by Dr Richard Ross. The Center is dedicated to the study of all aspects of freshwater stingray husbandry. Current breeding projects include Potamotrygon leopoldi, P. henlei, the P14 Itaituba ray, P. falkneri, the black diamond morphs of P. leopoldi, and the pearl rays. Our work also includes studying the nutritional and water quality requirements of freshwater stingrays.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

PIctures from Stingray Symposium

In August 2008, the CSB, in conjunction with The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago , hosted the International Symposium on Freshwater Stingray Husbandry. The Symposium was attended by both professional and amateur enthusiasts from around the world. Papers on many aspects of stingray husbandry were presented. Below are some photographs from that memorable event.

International Symposium on Freshwater Stingray Biology

Richard Ross, M.D., Director and Program Chairman

Chicago, IL, August 6th ~ August 9th, 2008

Organized by: Center for Stingray Biology
Hosted at: Shedd Aquarium, Chicago Illinois

A note from the Director…
Since fifteen years stingrays have become increasingly popular and with growing knowledge of their husbandry and breeding requirements, these interesting, intelligent and beautiful fish can now thrive and reproduce in aquariums. The goal of the Symposium is to offer presentations on all aspects of freshwater stingray husbandry, at all levels from novice hobbyists to advanced aquarium professionals. In addition to husbandry topics, also presented papers on stingray conservation, legislation affecting stingrays, tank construction and design. It is our hope that this symposium will answer many of your questions regarding freshwater stingrays, and will also encourage you to appreciate the need for conservation, captive breeding, and responsibility.

Richard Ross, M.D.

Stingrays and Snakes: 100 Million Years of Evolution
Dr. Richard Ross, Center for Stingray Biology, California, USA

Stingray Breeding Program at the Shedd Aquarium
Erica Clayton, Collection Manager, Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, USA

Status of Stingray Conservation in Brazil
Dr. Patricia Charvet-Almeida

Stingrays of the Tocantins River System
Education and Conservation Programs for Stingrays in Brazil
Dr. Getulio Rincon Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil

Health Management of Freshwater Stingrays
Dr. Caryn Poll, Section Chief of Medicine, Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, USA

Ultrasound Evaluation of Pregnancy in Freshwater Stingrays
Dr. Bill Van Bonn, Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, USA

Stingray Breeding Program at Belle Isle Aquarium
James Langhammer, former curator, Belle Isle Aquarium

Concepts in Filtration and Water Quality
Michael Maranda, H2O Aquatics, New York, USA

Megatank Construction
Todd Ellis, Anything Fish, Washington, USA

Techniques for Breeding Brazilian Stingrays
Frank Zijlman and Nico vd Post

Stingrays in the Wild
Oliver Lucanus, Below Water, Toronto, Canada

The Freshwater Stingrays of Africa, Indochina, and Australasia
Heiko Bleher

Habitats and Varieties of Freshwater Stingrays in South America and Breeding of Freshwater Stingrays in Russia
Heiko Bleher

Taxonomy of Freshwater Stingrays
Frank Schafer

Additional Speakers to be Announced

Events & Activities
* Speakers on all aspects of freshwater stingray husbandry and biology
* Behind the scenes visit to the Shedd Aquarium
* Banquet dinner with renowned keynote speaker
* Round Table discussions on:

* Mega-Tank construction
* Veterinary Care
* Legislation
* Water Quality and Filtration
* Captive Breeding

* Vendors room with live stingrays on display
* Raffle drawing for a live Leopoldi, Henlei, or Pearl stingray
  (each registered guest will receive one raffle ticket)
* Auction for aquarium supplies as well as a live Leopoldi, Henlei, or Pearl stingray
* Photo and artwork contest. (Prizes to be announced)

Round Table Topics
Mega-Tank construction
- design & construction

Captive Breeding
- requirements for successful breeding

Veterinary Care
- disease diagnosis and treatment

- regulations pertaining to freshwater stingrays within the USA

Water Quality and Filtration
- management of water quality pertaining to freshwater stingrays

Friday, December 17, 2010

Leopoldi, Henlei and Pearl pups

Random Leopoldi, Henlei, and Pearl Stingrays born at our facility.